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Finding New Children’s Books

New Book Shelves

Finding New Children’s Books

If you’re interested in looking at the newest children’s books, movies, and music at the library, there are few ways to find what you’re looking for!

New book shelf

The yellow shelf closest to the door of the Children’s Room holds the items purchased by the library in the last four months. You can always browse what’s available there when the library is open.

Catalog search

screenshot - Child New Book + 2020
If you’re at home and want to browse the newest books in the Children’s Room, here’s how to find what you’re looking for in the Evergreen catalog!
First, go to the PGTPL website.
  • Under Search Library, select Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library.
  • Under Shelving Location, select “children new book”.
  • Limit Search by Publication Year. Type “2020” in the blank box beside the drop-down menu.
  • Click Search.
screenshot - results of search Child New Book + 2020
This search will show you all the items in the “children’s new book” location which were published in 2020. You click the “limit to available” box to see only the items which are available right now.
Screen shot - Rita and Ralph's Rotton Day is checked out
If a title you’re interested in is currently checked out, you can put a hold on it! New books are reserved for PGTPL patrons for the first six months after we purchase them, so they won’t travel to other libraries.

Narrowing your search

screenshot - results of targeted search Child New Book + 2020, additionally narrowed down by Fantasy Fiction
The left side of the results page in Evergreen shows you some other ways to narrow your search: by genre, topic, or author. You can play around with the catalog to find specific types of items, even if you’re not sure exactly what you want yet!


If you want to know what the library purchases as soon as possible, you can sign up for our Wowbrary newsletter! This weekly email will tell you what new materials the library has to offer.
PGTPL is always adding new materials to our collections, so be sure to check them out soon!

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