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Genealogy and Local History

Find Genealogy and Local History Tailored To You In The Indiana Room!

The Indiana Room at PGTPL is the perfect place for historians, history buffs, researchers, and curious minds of all ages. The Indiana Room has a wealth of treasures and knowledge ready to be explored! Our staff is here to help you find the materials you need to start and complete your research.

Explore Our Genealogy and Local History Resources

Genealogy Databases

Ancestry Library Edition

(can only be accessed within the library)

Ready to discover your ancestors? With over 10,300 databases, this is your gateway to online genealogy records.

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Newspaper Archive

Newspaper Archive World Collection provides access to 15,963 titles and counting. It includes all 50 U.S. States and 46 International Countries.

Start Searching >

(Note: to access Newspaper Archive outside of the library, please use the link on this page.)

Find My Past

(can only be accessed within the library)

Great genealogy collection focused on British and Irish records

Start searching >

Hendricks County Photographs

Searchable database of Plainfield and Hendricks County, Indiana photographs.

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Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today.

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Indiana Memory

Indiana’s Digital Library: a free collection of digitized primary sources from Indiana institutions.

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The web’s premiere collection of original military records.

Start Searching > Library Edition provides access to over 4,000+ historical newspapers. Dating from the early 1700s into the 2000s, this database contains full runs and portions of runs of well-known, regional and state titles to small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.

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Indianapolis Star (Historic 1903-2004)

Providing digital images of historical issues of the Indianapolis Star newspaper.  This database can be accessed remotely with valid PGTPL library card.

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Hendricks County Obituaries

Searchable database of Hendricks County, Indiana obituaries

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Hendricks County Cemeteries

Searchable database of Hendricks County, Indiana cemeteries.

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Hendricks County Flyer

Search full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of Hendricks County Flyer. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

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Family Search

The world’s largest collection of free family history and genealogy records from over 100 countries.

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Hendricks County Indexes and Records

Archival Collection at the Plainfield-Guilford Twp. Public Library

Archive Collection

Biography Database (Hendricks County, Indiana)

Newspaper and Biography Database >

Census (Hendricks County, Indiana)

1955 census of adult males (Hendricks County, Indiana) >

Coroner Inquests (Hendricks County, IN)

Coroner Inquest index (part 1)

Coroner Inquest Index (part 2)

Family Histories

Family Files Surname List
(alphabetical index of surnames in the Family Files collection)

Family Files (digitized)

Family Bible Records

Hendricks County Historical Society newsletters

Hendricks County History Bulletin newsletters

Hendricks County, Indiana Mental Illness Records

Index of records pertaining to persons admitted to the Hendricks County Home, Central State Hospital, or the Indiana Hospital for the Insane. Records are stored in CH Box 24 in the Indiana Room archives.

Mental Illness Records, Hendricks County, Indiana

Hendricks County Archives (off-site)

Hendricks County, Indiana Archives Digital Records >

The above link will redirect you to the Hendricks County Government website. The images were scanned and posted by the Hendricks County Government Computer Center.

Hendricks County, Indiana Records (from INGENWEB)

Hendricks County Gen Web Free Data >

House Histories

Plainfield, Indiana Historic District >

(National Register of Historic Places Registration Form)

Indenture Records (Hendricks County, Indiana)

Indenture Records (1837-1849) >

Indenture Records (1849-1872) >

Maps, Plats and Atlases (Hendricks County, Indiana)

List of Maps in the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library

Hendricks County Maps (from the Hendricks County Archives)

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (Hendricks County for various years) >via the Hendricks County Archives

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (Indiana) via I.U. Digital Collections

Marriage Certificates (Hendricks County, Indiana)

These certificates are from a collection of records given to the Guilford Township Historical Collection. The certificates appear to be the “take-home” copies given to the bride and groom. There is no indication why these certificates were not taken at the time of the marriage. Currently, the list is in GROOM SURNAME order. Dates range between the 1860s and 1919. The Collection is stored in DB 103-107 (for staff reference).  This is not a complete listing of Hendricks County marriages, just what certificates were in the donation.

Groom Surnames A B

Groom Surname C

Groom Surname D

Groom Surname E

Groom Surname F

Groom Surname G

Groom Surname H

Groom Surname I

Groom Surname J

Groom Surname K

Groom Surname L

Groom Surname MA-ME

Groom Surname MI-MZ

Groom Surname N

Groom Surname O

Groom Surname P

Groom Surname Q

Groom Surname R 

Groom Surname S

Groom Surname T

Groom Surname U V

Groom Surname W

Groom Surname Y Z

Military Records (Hendricks County, Indiana)

Index to the Plainfield GAR (Virgil Lyons Post) Membership Roster Book (alpha by surname) Original located in archives (ACB 136)

Grand Army of the Republic [GAR] (Virgil H. Lyon Post #186, Plainfield, Indiana) Record Book (original located in archives ACB 136)
GAR Record Book p. 1-50
GAR Record Book p. 51-68 >

GAR Record Book p. 75-100 >
GAR Record Book p. 101-125 >
GAR Record Book p. 126-150 >
GAR Record Book p. 151-175 >
GAR Record Book o. 176 to end >

Hendricks County, Indiana Township Enrollment Lists for Military Service >
(these original enrollment papers (from 1886, 1890 and 1894) are available in the Indiana Room

Military pensions (1883) >

Mortality Schedules (Hendricks County, Indiana)

Hendricks Co. Mortality schedules 1850-1870 >

Hendricks Co. 1880 mortality schedule >

Newspaper Microfilm Holdings

Master List of Newspaper Microfilm Holdings

Obituary Database (Hendricks County, Indiana )

Hendricks County Obituary Database >

Schools: Hendricks County Schools

Graduates of High Schools in Hendricks County (1904-1907) >

Yearbooks (Hendricks County, Indiana Schools)

Clayton Elementary 1972-1973 >

Hazelwood Elementary 1968-1969 >

Plainfield High School 1919 >

Plainfield High School Yearbooks digitized (1951 – 1989)

Hendricks County Yearbook Index (work in progress)  Everyname Index to yearbooks in the Indiana Room’s yearbook collection.

Genealogy Links

United States

American Ancestors (New England Historic & Genealogical Society)

ArchiveGrid (primary source materials held in archives and other institutions)

Bureau of Land Management (Land Records)

Cyndi’s List >

DAR (National Society of)   (Daughters of the American Revolution)

Digital Public Library of America

Documenting the American South

Family Search > (Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah)

Genealogy Center > (Fort Wayne/Allen County Public Library)

Filson Historical Society >

Library of Congress >

Library of Congress Digital Collections

Linkpendium (Genealogy Resources)

National Archives >

National Genealogical Society >

National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections > (NUCMC)

PERSI (Periodical Source Index)

Roots Web >

SAR (Sons of the American Revolution)

The Newberry Library >


We Relate  > (world’s largest genealogy wiki)

WikiTree >

Hendricks County, Indiana

Hendricks County, Indiana Genealogy Blog > (News and Tips for finding your Hendricks Co., IN relatives)

Hendricks County Genealogy > (from INGENWEB)

Hendricks County Government Archives >  (Digitized items from Hendricks County, Indiana government)

Hendricks County Historical Maps >

Books (finding them online)

Genealogy Gophers > (search books digitized by Family Search)

Family History Books >  (available digitally through the Family History Library)

Google Books

Hathi Trust Digital Library >

Internet Archive >

WorldCat  > (find items in libraries worldwide–and near you)

DNA Testing and Information

Ancestry DNA > (through

23 and Me >

DNA Painter (online tool for chromosome mapping)

DNA Testing Adviser >  (Richard Hill website)

Family Tree DNA >

GEDMatch (DNA and genealogical analysis tools)

ISOGG >  (International Society of Genetic Genealogy)

My Heritage DNA


Fillable forms > and charts from Mid-Continent Public Library Genealogy Center

Forms and Charts from

Forms and Charts > from National Archives

Research Forms > from the Family History Library


Historical Maps > (David Rumsey collection)

Hendricks County (IN) Historical Maps

Historic Maps of Germany

Maps of (Historical Atlases and Maps of the U. S.)


Access Genealogy: Military >

Aztec Club of 1847 > (Military Society of the Mexican War)

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database > (National Park Service)

Colonial Dames > (National Society of)

DAR (National Society of) >

GAR records > (Grand Army of the Republic/Civil War Veterans organization)

Military Records: National Archives >

SAR > (Sons of the Revolution, National Society of)

Spanish American War Centennial Website >

US Daughters of 1812 >

US Army Heritage and Education Center >

War Department Papers > (United States)

Native American

Native American Ancestry (Dept. of Interior)

Native American Records (National Archives)


Chronicling America > (digital historic newspapers at the Library of Congress)

Chronicling America – Indiana Newspapers (digital historic newspapers at the Library of Congress)

Historical Newspapers Online >  (via Bowling Green State University master index)

Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection >

Indiana Boys’ School Herald > (through Indiana Memory)

Indiana Digital Historic Newspapers/Hoosier State Chronicles > (Indiana State Library)

Indiana Newspaper Holdings > at the Indiana State Library

Kentucky Digital Library >

Library of Congress Digitized Newspapers >

New York State Historic Newspapers  > on Old Fulton Postcards site (searchable)

New York State Historic Newspapers (Empire State Library Network)

Ohio Digitized Newspapers > (through Ohio Memory)

Texas Digital Newspaper Program >

Virginia Chronicle (Virginia Digitized Newspapers)

International Sites and Organizations

British Isle Genealogy (Dusty Docs)

Germanic Genealogy Society

German Roots

Irish Genealogy > (Government of Ireland)

National Records of Scotland >  (Scotland)

Scotland’s People >  (Scotland)

GENUKI > (United Kingdom)

Indiana Links


Indiana Career Connect >
Indiana Career Ready (State of Indiana)

Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Unemployment Information (file a claim through UPLINK) >
Work One


IN Harmony (Sheet music for Indiana) >

Miscellaneous Indiana

Indiana Ghost Trackers >

Public Records

Indiana Court Records (free via MyCase)

People >
Search dozens of databases and billions of records in a single search.
Real Estate/Public Records Research >
This site provides links to official state and county websites that have public record information available online. Mostly geared toward property research.
Search Systems >
Provides over 13,000 free searchable records. Categorized by national, state and worldwide records.

Real Estate Websites

Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors >
Nationwide listing of homes for sale. Searchable by location.
Nationwide real estate and rental marketplace.
Hendricks County Links

Assisted Living / Nursing Facilities

Cumberland Trace (Plainfield)
Glasswater Creek (Plainfield)
Harmony at Avon (Avon)
Independence Village (formerly The Hearth at Prestwick) (Avon)
Ivy Trace (Danville)
The Oaks Senior Living (formerly Roland’s) Plainfield
Park Square Manor Retirement (Avon)
Sugar Grove Senior Living (Plainfield)
Traditions at Reagan Park (Avon)


Hendricks Co. Land and Property GIS search >
(on the webpage, select Hendricks Co., IN)

Photograph Databases

PGTPL Photograph Collection Database

Over 15,500 images uploaded, and we’re adding more each week!

Collections in the Archives

Looking for library materials?

You can browse library materials and even reserve them through the online Evergreen Catalog!

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