20 Oct Mythology Books for Teens
If you enjoy mythology, there are plenty of exciting books to read in Teen Central. In the teen fiction section of Teen Central you can find a number of retellings of ancient mythology from around the world. Besides novels that retell classic stories, in the non-fiction section you can find books of mythology from around the world.
Recommended Non-Fiction Books
Feathered Serpent, Dark Heart of Sky: Myths of Mexico by David Bowles
David Bowles tells in a complete narrative the indigenous mythologies of Mexico, the rise of the Aztec Empire, and the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Some of the stories told are Toltec, some Mayan, and others Aztec. The book tells ancient world creation stories, but also the real-life history of Mexico and how native groups continue their traditions and culture in Mexico today. Many of the stories told are from the perspective of women. A great read for Hispanic Heritage Month or anytime.
Classical Mythology A to Z: An Encylcopedia of Gods and Godesses, Heroes & Heroines, Nymphs, Spirits, Monsters, and Places by Annette Giesecke and illustrated by Jim Tierney
A companion piece to the latest reprint of Mythology by Edith Hamilton, found in the adult nonfiction section of the library, Classical Mythology A to Z is a great reference work to quickly learn the details of the characters and places found in Greek myths. It doesn’t matter if you are familiar with Greek myths or not. Anyone can pick up and learn using this book. Annette Giesecke’s text summarizes all the things found in Edith Hamilton’s text. The book also includes timelines, a family tree, and illustrations by Jim Tierney to help readers better understand ancient Greek mythology.
An Illustrated Kalevala: Myths and Legends from Finland by Kirsti Mäkinen and illustrated by Pirkko-Liisa
The Kalevala is an epic poem of Finnish folklore and mythology. Kirsti Mäkinen retells the stories found in that poem in easy-to-read prose chapters. There are numerous illustrations and a glossary with pronunciation help. If you are interested in learning about Finland or simply want to read myths and legends from another country, this is a great resource for you to check out!