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Staff Favorite: Good Dog by Dan Gemeinhart

Staff Favorite: Good Dog by Dan Gemeinhart

About Good Dog

Good Dog is about Brodie, a dog who recently passed away. However, Brodie can’t get to his place in heaven yet. His human, Aiden, is in danger and Brodie needs to save him. The bond between Brodie and Aiden was very special and deep. Brodie goes back to Earth as a spirit in order to help Aiden. Two other lost souls, sweet dog Tuck and cranky cat Patsy join Brodie in his mission. Brode is determined to help Aiden, even if he loses his place in heaven. This book includes action and is very heartwarming. Description adapted from Goodreads and Scholastic

This book is appealing for young readers because it is about the special relationship a child can have with their dog, or really any pet. It also deals with loss, which a child may be experiencing or will at some point experience. It is also about devotion and friendship, which are interesting themes for many young readers. There is also an action element, which many young readers will find appealing.

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Descriptions from Evergreen

A Dog’s Life by Ann M. Martin

“Squirrel, a stray puppy, tells her life story, from her nurturing mother and brother to making her own way in the world, facing busy highways, changing seasons, and humans both gentle and brutal.”

Saving Zasha by Randi G. Barrow
“In 1945 Russia, those who own German shepherds are considered traitors, but thirteen-year-old Mikhail and his family are determined to keep the dog a dying man brought them, while his classmate Katia strives to learn his secret.”

Dogtown by Katherine Applegate
“In Dogtown, a shelter for unwanted canine and robot dogs, an extraordinary bond develops between Chance, a longing three-legged dog, Metalhead, an empathetic robot, and Mouse, their friendly ally, as they strive to find forever homes.”

Two Dogs in a Trench Coat by Julie Falatko
“Sassy and Waldo are good dogs, who keep their house safe (from squirrels, mostly), and worry about their boy, Stewart, who always comes home from school smelling of anxiety; so the two dogs come up with a plan to help him–they will dress up in a trench coat and attend school, posing as a new student, to find out just what is bothering Stewart.”

Written by Beth G., Youth Services Library Assistant

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