26 May Teen Ink: Made By Teens, For Teens!
How does a platform made by teens, for teens sound? Teen Ink has it covered! Teen Ink is a national teen magazine and website that encourages expression and creativity by publishing self-submitted writing, photos, and art. The website houses tons of content across a variety of subjects. From more serious topics to fun reviews, there’s something for everyone. The website also offers a platform to discuss with other users and make friends along the way. Regardless of whether you want to submit a piece of work or enjoy what others have created, Teen Ink is an incredible resource!
In addition to browsing through writing and art pieces, teens can also read reviews on subjects of interest to them! Reviews are grouped into categories such as music, movies, books, video games, and more, which help narrow down searches.
The website also contains helpful college and summer program sections. Here, teens can explore future education opportunities as well as internships and fun summer programs that are available. Teen–submitted essays and reviews are also available. These provide a personal insight into decision making and transitioning out of high school!
How to Submit
Ages 13-19 are welcome to submit articles, poems, books, art, photos, and/or videos. The author also has the option to remain anonymous if they so choose. Submitting work to Teen Ink is a great way to voice opinions, get feedback from peers, as well as connect with like-minded teens. Visit teenink.com for step-by-step submitting instructions!
Make sure to check out Teen Ink and show support of fellow teens across the country at teenink.com and @teenink on social media!