09 Nov The Heroes’ Tree
The Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library is proud to host the Our Heroes’ Tree initiative now through November 30, 2021. The Heroes’ Tree is based on a nation-wide initiative co-founded by Stephanie Pickup, author of The Soldier’s Tree, and Marlene Lee, author of The Hero in My Pocket.
The Heroes’ Tree includes all branches of military service, including Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve, and all generations. The idea is folks can honor a loved one in the military by making a paper star ornament and adding that loved one’s military branch and name to the star and then adding it to the tree.
If you would like to add an ornament to the Heroes’ Tree in honor of their military service, please stop by the library at 1120 Stafford Road, Plainfield, IN 46168. For more information visit the library’s website at www.plainfieldlibrary.net or call 317-839-6602.