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February Programs for Teens

February Programs for Teens

Teens Craft: Melty Bead Snowmen
Monday, February 3 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Use perler beads to make a little snowman.
Teens Can Sew: Felt Keychains
Wednesday, February 5 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Learn how to sew by hand while creating a cute keychain.
Paper Crafts: Salt Watercolors
Thursday, February 6 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Create distinct works of art using glue, watercolors, and salt.
Teen Central After-Hours: Treasure Hunt
Friday, February 7 from 6:00p – 8:00p
For hundreds of years, Captain Blackheart’s treasure has remained hidden – until now.  Solve riddles, find clues, and use hidden keys to unlock the map and claim the treasure. Food and drinks are provided. Registration is required.
Teens Craft: Candlemaking
Monday, February 10 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Learn how to make your own scented candles!
STEM Challenge: Binary Code Necklaces
Tuesday, February 11 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Make a necklace with your name or initials while learning about basic binary code.
Teens Craft: Phone Charms
Thursday, February 13 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Use beads and string to create a decorative charm for your phone!
Gamer Crafts: Potion Bottles
Friday, February 14 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Need a potion for your next game? Create one in Teen Central with just a few ingredients!
Teen Cuisine: Tanghulu
Tuesday, February 18 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Tanghulu is a Chinese snack made of candied fruit.  Stop in to learn how to make your own sweet treat! Supplies will be provided for up to 16 teens.
Paper Crafts: Flowers
Wednesday, February 19 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Create a flower using cupcake liners!
Teens Craft: Paper Squishies
Thursday, February 20 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Use simple supplies to create your own personalized paper squishy.
Teens Craft: Pressed Flower Jars
Monday, February 24 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Celebrate spring early by creating a decorative jar using pressed flowers.
Super Smash Bros Tournament
Tuesday, February 25 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Who is the best Super Smash Bros fighter? Challenge your friends for the title in this classic game.
Teens Craft: Watercolor Bookmarks
Wednesday, February 26 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Show off your creativity and use watercolors to create a decorative bookmark.
Magic the Gathering Tournament
Friday, February 28 from 3:15p – 4:00p
Ready to prove your card skills? Compete with your friends and find out who reigns supreme!

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