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Written by: Nick Philip, Adult Services Supervisor Over the course of the last 15 years, Lauren Groff has emerged as one of the most critically adored literary fiction authors of the 21st century. Her work tends to oscillate between the past and the present, inhabiting both...

Written by: Ellie A., Adult Services Library Assistant In the documentary series History of Horror, award-winning horror film director, writer, producer, and actor Eli Roth brings together the masters of horror, the storytellers, and the stars who define the genre to explore its biggest themes and...

"Play is the work of childhood,” asserts child psychologist Jean Piaget. It may be tempting for adults to discourage free play and instead guide children to more structured educational activities like counting or letter recognition. But for children, playing is serious business. The importance of play During play,...

What are canopic jars? These strange looking jars typically held the organs of deceased Egyptians.  Most commonly used for the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, they contained 4 organs. A baboon jar held the lungs and was said to be protected by the Egyptian goddess Nephthys,...

Written by: Nick Philip, Adult Services Supervisor On September 21, the Booker Prize’s judging panel announced the shortlist for this year. Long considered the most prestigious literary award in the United Kingdom, the Booker Prize (formerly known as the Man Booker Prize) is awarded annually to...

Written by: Nick Philip, Adult Services Supervisor Since the 1970s, Stephen King has reigned supreme as one of the most prolific authors in English literature, reliably putting out at least one (generally fairly substantial) novel a year. One of King’s hallmarks is how he interweaves his...

Fall is here, and that means great recipes! Fall also means the beginning of football season! We have a fantastic book in the Children’s Department here at the library called A football cookbook : simple recipes for kids by Sarah L. Schuette. The book includes...

Written by: Nick Philip, Adult Services Supervisor There haven’t been many more hotly anticipated arrivals on the literary scene than Zadie Smith. Her debut manuscript was purchased before its completion while she was still a student at Cambridge. Since then, her novels have continued to be...

How Talking Helps Your Child Get Ready to Read Talking to and with your young child is an essential part of helping them be ready to read. Babies learn their first words by listening to the people around them speak, and that’s also how toddlers increase...

Building Strong Bonds: Books about Friendship Bonding and connectedness are essential for a child’s healthy development. Fostering strong and resilient relationships can be challenging at any age, but learning how to overcome those challenges can allow children to navigate future relationships of their own. By working...

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