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The Children’s Room Tag

[caption id="attachment_6429" align="alignnone" width="300"] Stop by the Children's Room this month to color a house or tree for this Community Art Project![/caption]...

At the Imagination Hub there are always things laid out to do that are fun and educational. Things change fairly often, so unless you visit the library all the time (as some do) there will usually be something new. There are craft programs scheduled there and...

The 3rd Annual Plainfield Arts Gala is just around the corner, and we need your child's help...

[caption id="attachment_3995" align="alignnone" width="300"] There was sparkly, apple-scented clay at ArtZone: Free Play! These girls recognized the smell right away. It's always interesting to see what you find at the Imagination Hub.[/caption]  ...

[caption id="attachment_3988" align="alignnone" width="224"] The famous Things 1 & 2 from the book The Cat in the Hat were here celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday![/caption]  ...

  Do you know someone who loves Legos and never has enough? The first Saturday of the month, at 2:00, we dump out two giant bins of legos and open the doors for an hour of free building. Preschool through grade 5. After the program...

         Even though it was below zero, lots of people bundled up and came to make these fun birdfeeders with their kids!...

Do you love something about the library? Tell the world! Stop by the photo booth in the Children's Room during February to make a sign, and take a picture to share with family, friends, library social media, wherever. Then drop the sign in the 'mailbox'...

There are always new things going on at the drop-in Imagination Hub. Here's something you can try even if you can't get to the library! (at least you can try it on a computer - click the picture to make it bigger. It might be...

[caption id="attachment_3594" align="alignleft" width="300"] While you weren't here, we spotted the dinos again, playing Mouse in the House! It looks like T. Rex found the mouse and won this round.[/caption]...

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